MCM Group at the 2024 Security General Assembly - OSSIF
A prestigious event held at the Scuderie di Palazzo Altieri in Rome, bringing together key industry players to discuss challenges and solutions in the field of security.
The conference concluded with a round table on the topic of “ATM security and cash management”—organized in collaboration with Securindex, the Italian Security Portal—which compared data, information, ideas, and solutions from OSSIF partner companies (including MCM Group) to improve equipment security levels, while also optimizing management costs.
During our session, we had the opportunity to introduce MCM Group and our 25 years of experience dedicated to security for the banking and retail sectors. We highlighted how our solutions—developed in collaboration with our clients—effectively address constantly evolving threats through an innovative, highly customized approach.
In closing, we called upon OSSIF to promote a dialogue that brings together banks, Poste Italiane, law enforcement agencies, and security solution providers, in order to jointly build a safer future.
We would like to thank OSSIF for its impeccable organization and all participants for the stimulating discussions.
MCM Group will continue to place its expertise at the service of security.