Projects & Integrations

The MCM Group is specialized in System Integration projects and is able to follow the entire product life cycle, from design to after-sales. The design office, in addition to coordinating all the processes, takes care of transforming the ideas (of the Group and of the Customer) into products. The curiosity and skills of the people that compose the design team lead to develop a very transversal know-how that favors the constant search for new challenges and the development of new solutions that can help Customers in very different sectors.

In the M.C.M. plant, all the phases of mechanical assembling and metal sheet processing (cutting, folding, painting) take place without involving third parties, and therefore with great flexibility and time to market.

In the ATM Lab sites, of both Garlasco (PV) and Cittanova (RC), the most delicate phases of devices and electronics assembly are completed. Also the logistics, installations and after-sales activities of the products are coordinated from this entity.

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